Bundle up with this triple loof Fun Fur scarf. Warm, cozy,
so soft! Approx. 60" long Hand Wash.
TLS 121 $35
Double this triple loop scarf, and put the ends through to
make a warm, fluffy, furry neck warmer. Lion's Brand Fun Fur
and Simply Soft combination. Hand wash. Approx. 72" long
Item TLS 123 $35
Gray/black fun fur combined with Simply Soft yarn used to create
this furry, soft, luxurious neck scarf. Hand wash.
Item TLS125 $35 |
Beige and light browns. Wild Child Eyelash yarn combined
with 100% acrylic simply Soft Yarn. Furry, soft, and
luxurious. Hand wash. Approx. 60" long.
Item TLS122 $35